Dare 2 Ride
"Dare 2 Ride" is the sequel to The Legend of the Kennedy Song produced by Dr. Wagner and his K-3 students. After returning to space, the Kennedy Astronauts continue to unravel the mysteries lurking in the deepest depths of the universe.
The movie format is available on youtube, and the album version is available on many popular streaming apps such as Spotify, Apple Music, etc.
Legend of the kennedy song
The Legend of the Kennedy Song is a multimedia musical collaboration between Dr. Wagner and his students. When the original Kennedy song is engulfed by a black hole in space, the students are transported into an alternate universe where they must navigate the perilous blue ocean into order to save it.
The movie format is available on youtube, and the album version is available on many popular streaming apps such as Spotify, Apple Music, etc.
Megalotone is an original album of euphonium multitrack music with some selections containing electronic backing tracks (created by and in collaboration with David Dayoub). The album displays the boundless musical range of the euphonium through elements jazz, neoclassical, electronic, and more. From roaring low register to upper lead playing, a full fledged ensemble is represented with this single instrument. The listener is taken on a mysterious ride through outer space enhanced with special effects and musical innovations.
The album can be found on many popular streaming apps such as Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, etc.
Sheet music is available behind the "Sheet Music" tab.
Solo Projects
Playlist of solo euphonium
Ensemble Projects
Playlist of multitrack projects or with others
Music Phonics